August Update: Charging Shipping and Taxes + Freight Updates
6 months ago
– Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 12:22:31 PM
Manufacturing and Freight Updates
Large Liquid Core D20
There have been some delays in the production of the Liquid Core die, we are waiting on a final pre-production copy for approval after which we will be pushing it directly into mass production. Orders that include this die will have slightly delayed fulfillment timelines.
Everything Else!
The remaining products are in freight, arriving into ports and on track for arriving at our warehouses by mid-August, as planned- which should hopefully be by the end of this week or next. Fulfilment sprints are being exported from BackerKit as we speak, to make sure that the fulfilment centers have everything they need to start fulfilling your rewards as soon as the product arrives.
Charging Cards for Shipping and Taxes
On Thursday, August 15th we will be charging cards for the remaining balance of shipping and taxes that were not charged at the time of our last update. To check your shipping and tax details on BackerKit, head here:
Lets do a quick FAQ here to clear up any remaining confusion:
I only backed for digital content, will I be charged anything?
Nope, You're good to go! You can find all available digital content via your BackerKit account.
I backed for physical rewards during the Kickstarter but did not add any add-ons to my pledge in BackerKit after the KS was over. What will I be charged?
You will be charged only for shipping and any applicable taxes required to get you your rewards. You'll have 48 hours to review those charges and update your payment method if need be. You should not have been charged twice for the rewards you paid for directly on Kickstarter; if you were charged something in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we will get that sorted.
What will I be charged if I changed my pledge or added add-ons to my pledge in BackerKit after the Kickstarter ended?
When we charge your card on August 14th, this will be for the cost of shipping and any applicable taxes. To those who had selected add-ons to their pledge in Backerkit and were mistakenly charged for these after our last update, you will now only be charged for the cost of shipping and taxes. You will not be charged a second time for these add-ons. You will have 48 hours to review the shipping and tax charges, and to update your payment method if necessary.
Oracle Spreads: Complete!
Our next Stretch Goal has arrived! These oracle spreads will guide you while using your Fablemakers Deck of Many Things as an oracle, helping you find insight into various questions you may have in your day to day life. This brand new PDF will be distributed at the same time this update is going out, so check it out on your BackerKit!
Remaining Stretch Goals Progress
Fabled Heroes Subclasses: Design! The subclasses are off to be designed, and will be released as part of our September update. Can't wait for you to see them!
Thief of Fate Adventure: Editing! The adventure is in the beginnings of the editing stage and it is still on track for a release in Q4, before the end of the year.
Need help?
E-mail us at [email protected]
The Hit Point Press Team
Quick Update: Card Charge Error
7 months ago
– Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 11:47:12 AM
Hi backers!
You may see that cards were charged today, but unfortunately these charges did not include taxes or shipping costs due to an error in our system. We're currently working with BackerKit to calculate the cost of these.
We will inform you all about this in a new update once we have these costs calculated, so you can review the amounts in your BackerKit account and have a 48 hour window to update your payment method, or reach out to us with any questions.
If you have any questions about this or any other aspects of your order, please reach out to [email protected] and we will help you out.
Thanks for your patience while we resolve this error!
June Update: Freight Update + New Stretch Goal PDF Release!
8 months ago
– Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 10:17:10 AM
Summer is here and we have a sunny June update for you all!
Manufacturing and Freight Updates
Large Liquid Core D20
This reward is in the final stages of production, we are just confirming that the packaging looks good and we will be pushing it into mass production. Our manufacturer will be letting us know the production timeline soon, and we'll let you know next update about its progress. We estimate they will be ready to ship to our distribution hubs by the end of July.
Everything Else!
All other rewards have completed manufacturing and are being prepped for freight. It can be difficult to estimate how long the ships will take to arrive at their destinations, but they are estimated to arrive at their destinations by mid-August, with fulfilment to begin as soon as our distribution hubs have the stock counted and organized.
Locking & Charging Cards
1) Lock Surveys - 5th of July, 2024
We're going to be locking down the surveys next week! If you need to update your add ons and shipping address, now is the time to do it!
We will be sending a 48 hour notification as we near the deadline.
Review your pledge survey here:
2) Charge cards - July 15th-19th, 2024.
We're going to be charging cards on the week of July 15th-19th, 2024. This will cover any shipping, taxes and any add-ons you may have ordered.
We will be posting updates when we start the process to make sure everyone can update their pledges and to ensure you are all kept aware of when we will charge.
Dungeon Card Challenges: Complete!
This stretch goal is complete and heading your way as this update goes out! Check your emails for a message from Backer Kit and links to your PDF rewards. Here's a couple screenshots of the interior of the PDF!
Remaining Stretch Goal Progresss
Guided Oracle Spreads: Writing! We're hard at work writing these handy Oracle Spreads to help you get the most out of your Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things. They are on track for their scheduled Q3 delivery!
Fabled Heroes Subclasses: Editing! We are looking over the first draft of the new Druid, Rogue and Warlock subclasses and are getting them ready for their release at the end of Q3. Can't wait to see what you think!
Thief of Fate Adventure: Writing! We want this adventure to be fun and exciting, and so we are taking our time to make sure that it's just right. That being said, it is fully on track for a release in Q4, right in time for the holidays!
Need help?
E-mail us at [email protected]
The Hit Point Press Team
May Update: Manufacturing Finishing + Living Fables Stretch Goal!
9 months ago
– Thu, May 16, 2024 at 12:16:12 PM
Hello Fablemakers fans! Very exciting update for you today, so lets get to it!
Fulfilment Updates
We'll break down where everything is in the manufacturing and freight schedule below, along with some photos when we have them:
Box Sets, Booklets and Decks: Manufacturing is nearly finished and theses rewards will be packed up and ready for freight on May 23rd. If all goes well, they will be arriving at our distribution partners across the world and start fulfilling near the end of June! Here are some photos of the mass production copies for you to ogle in the meantime:
Large D20 dice and Tarot Bag: Manufacturing is underway on these rewards, we are waiting on a full update from the manufacturers with details about when they will be ready to ship these out to our fulfilment centers.
Everything Else: Candles, Pins, Tarot Mats, Bookplates and Art Prints are all ready to go and resting safely at our fulfilment centers! They'll be sitting tight until we are ready to start fulfilling orders.
Stretch Goal #1: Living Fables - NPCs and Magic Items
It's here! We appreciate your patience as we get the stretch goals finalized, but we're happy to announce that the first one, Living Fables, should be arriving in your inboxes as this post goes out! You can find all your digital rewards on your Backer Kit, which is connected to the same email you use here on Kickstarter. Go check it out!
Remaining Stretch Goal Updates
Dungeon Card Challenges: The main draft is complete on this PDF, it is just being edited and polished up. It should be ready for you all by the time our June update rolls out!
Guided Oracle Spreads: This PDF is in progress and on track for its Q3 release!
Fabled Heroes Subclasses: The three subclasses that got the most votes for this stretchgoal were the Druid, the Rogue and the Warlock, and creation of these subclasses is underway. This PDF is in progress and on track for its Q3 release!
Thief of Fate Adventure: This PDF is in progress and on track for its Q4 release!
Need help?
E-mail us at [email protected]
The Hit Point Press Team
April Update: Production Continues + Featured Custom Cards
10 months ago
– Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 01:14:51 PM
April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring an update!
Production Progress
We are still waiting on samples of the updated, better quality cards for the deck - we hope to have them all before our next update. While we are waiting on those, we are continuing proofing on all the other rewards. More soon!
Featured Custom Art Cards
For the next few updates, we're going to feature custom art cards from Yoshi, along with the themes and potential abilities tied to them.
Name: Haunt
Theme: Regret
Drawing the Haunt card might find you haunted by a restless spirit, who needs your help with their unfinished business...
Name: Anchor
Theme: Hope
The Anchor card might give you the strength you need to keep going in the face of impossible odds, right as you need it...
Unusual and elusive creatures inspired by real-world plants & flowers.
Welcome to The Field Guide to Floral Dragons, your guide to dragons imbued with the essence of flowers.
With their abundant blooms and specialized physiology, floral dragons can be beautiful. However, any wise forager or florist knows that some plants can be as deadly as they are gorgeous…
Check out the Kickstarter HERE to learn more!
Need help?
E-mail us at [email protected]
The Hit Point Press Team