
The Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things

Created by Hit Point Press

An Oracle for Risk and Reward using the infamous Deck of Many Things for 5e. Art by Eisner Nominated artist Yoshi Yoshitani.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

March Update: Production Updates and Custom Art Cards
11 months ago – Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 06:16:31 AM

Spring is here, and so is our March update!

Production Update

A print run was completed of the cards, but manufacturing discovered a problem that causes the cards to get damaged easily and they are not up to the quality we are looking for for this project. The factory is starting another print run as we speak and we are applying a protective coating to keep this from happening again.

Unfortunately, this does mean a slight delay but we don't want to deliver you an inferior product, so this will be worth the wait!

Original Art Cards from Yoshi Yoshitani

Yoshi has sent us the original art pieces for the Original Art Card Sketch Bundle tier and they are gorgeous. Over the next few updates we will be featuring specific cards, sharing their names and special effects when used in a Deck of Many Things. Stay tuned!


Floral Dragons: LAUNCHING APRIL 2!

Unusual and elusive creatures inspired by real-world plants & flowers.

Welcome to The Field Guide to Floral Dragons, your guide to dragons imbued with the essence of flowers. 

With their abundant blooms and specialized physiology, floral dragons can be beautiful. However, any wise forager or florist knows that some plants can be as deadly as they are gorgeous…

Check out the landing page HERE to learn more, and look out for the Kickstarter launching on April 2nd!


Need help?

E-mail us at [email protected]


The Hit Point Press Team

February Update: Reading Mats and Dice!
12 months ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 07:52:36 AM

Time for the February update - we hope you love what you see!

Proofing Update

Proofing progress is still underway, and as Chinese New Year celebrations come to an end at the end of February, we will be able to start getting more proofs finalized. We do have a couple things to show off though - Reading Mats and the Large Liquid Core D20!

Reading Mats!

The manufacturers of the reading mats sent us pictures of the final mats and the art is looking crisp!





Card Back




Oversized Liquid Core D20

We are very happy with how this is coming along, the colours and sparkle are pretty darn close to how we imagined them!


Need help?

E-mail us at [email protected]


The Hit Point Press Team

January Update: Proofing and PDF Progress
about 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 07:26:09 AM

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope that 2024 is filled with magic for all of you so far.

Proofing Progress for Physical Rewards

Files for the Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things physical rewards are with our manufacturers and we are currently waiting on physical proofs to review. Once we have them, we'll make an update showing off the progress and talking about any changes or tweaks we may want! From there we will have a better idea of the printing schedule and fulfilment timelines. 

One note: our manufacturers are affected by Chinese New Year celebrations, which take place next month. Depending on timing, that can cause some delays when it comes to getting physical proofs to look at, but we will keep you all posted if any major delays occur.

PDF and Digital Reward Progress

The digital rewards are under way! 

Living Fables NPC & Magic Item PDF: First draft complete! We are in the process of reviewing this document internally and after any revisions that are necessary we will be getting into the hands of our talented graphic design team to get it ready to share with you.

Dungeon Card Challenges and The Thief of Fate Adventure PDFs: First draft has begun! Our in-house writers are starting to chip away at these stretch goals, getting ideas together for a fun adventure and challenging dungeon encounters. More to come on this!


Need help?

E-mail us at [email protected]


The Hit Point Press Team

December Update: Goodbye 2023!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 01:51:39 PM

Hello there Fablemaker Fans! Winter is here, which means the year is coming to a close and soon 2023 will nothing but a hazy memory. Next year is shaping up to be a good one though, as we continue the production process for the Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things, and start rolling out the digital rewards you unlocked during the campaign!

Production Update

As we mentioned in a previous update, all the files are with the manufacturer and the process of digital and physical proofing is under way! We are waiting on some samples and should have some physical proofs to show you in our next update.

Also, we are shipping Yoshi a TON of bookplates for them to sign, so wish them (and their wrist) good luck!


Hope you all have a great holidays, more to come in 2024!


Hit Point Press


Need help?

E-mail us at [email protected]


The Hit Point Press Team

Smoke Tests landing soon! + Backerkit Guide + File Distribution Progress
about 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 12:27:22 PM

Hey backers!

We’re happy to share that the smoke tests are going out shortly, we're waiting on confirmation from Backerkit that everything looks good on their end and we're pushing it live! Only 5% of backers will receive a smoke test, so if you don’t receive one during this process, your survey will go out with the rest of the backers once we’ve confirmed everything is working as expected!

If everything goes perfectly with the smoke test we’ll send the rest of the surveys on Monday November 20th!

When the surveys go out, we ask that you complete it as soon as possible so we can make our orders with our production partners. We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before mass production starts.

We’ve included a guide to help you complete your surveys below a quick update on some digital releases.

BackerKit Survey Guide

1) Select your country for shipping and click "Get Started". If you would like to upgrade to a higher pledge tier, locate the link under the "Get Started" button and click that instead. Please note that if you switch pledge levels, add-ons selected on Kickstarter will not be automatically applied to BackerKit.

2) Please read the question prompts and proceed into the BackerKit "store" (Add-Ons section).

3) Once in the store, you’ll see a list of the items included in your Kickstarter pledge on the right side of the page. On the left, you’ll see the options for add-ons!

4) Once you've selected all the items you want, click "Next".

5) Enter your shipping address and click "Next".

6) Confirm the provided information is correct, provide a payment method, and click "Confirm"

Please note: Due to limitations using PayPal, it is not currently enabled as a payment option for this project. We are looking at making it available closer to when we’re charging cards for outstanding balances due to add-ons and shipping costs. Backers who intend to use PayPal as their payment method should be able to complete their surveys then.

Surveys and addresses will be locked closer to fulfillment so you’ll be able to make changes even after submitting your survey until we let you know otherwise! Payment for outstanding balances and shipping will be collected at a later date.

Commonly Asked Questions on BackerKit Surveys

Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

I missed the campaign. When will preorders be open?

We're accepting pre-orders!

Check out the Backerkit pre-order store!

Orders placed here are considered BackerKit preorders, not Kickstarter pledges, and will ship after we fulfill backer rewards.

 DIGITAL FULFILMENT UPDATE: Fablemakers Deck of Many Things PDF Guidebook and Cards + Animated Tarot PDFs

The following files (for those who backed them) will be available to download once you fill out your survey!

  • The Fablemaker's Deck of Many Things Print'N Play PDF Guidebook + Cards
  • The Fablemakers Animated Tarot Print'N Play PDF Guidebook and Cards


Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment or e-mail us at [email protected]!


Hit Point Press